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Maggie's Market
Katie is "Maggie" in Maggie's Market, a kids show streaming on YippeeTV! We just wrapped shooting for Season 3 (!!).
Comedy Reel
From grounded comedy to bold characters, Katie has natural comedic instinct and timing. She's UCB-trained in improv and a former sketch performer at The Peoples Improv Theater in NYC.
Katie booked her first commercial 10 years ago and has been in national and international ads with top brand names. A few  national SAG Zevo spots are currently airing!
Katie was the monthly host for an NFM and Grandscape events segment on WFAA Good Morning Texas. Give her a teleprompter and a tight 2 minutes...she's got you!
Katie is an UCB-trained and an improv teacher. She actually got paid for someone to put different ducks in front of her just to see what happened in "The Collector"! The awesome editing team sent her the rest of this outtake footage. 
Spokesperson reel
Katie has a knack for spokesperson copy and is hired repeatedly by her clients. This reel contains snippets from Intuit, Daily Burn, Whitebox Real Estate, and Champion Energy.
Sketch Comedy Reel
While living in NYC, Katie jumped into the energetic comedy scene and was an ongoing performer in a residency show at The Peoples Improv Theater (The PIT). They headlined at NYC SketchFest.
singing Reel
Maggie in Maggie's Market was a singer's dream role. Lots of different genres, and Katie even got to use her musical improv skills!
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